The The “Fragrant Overseas, Good Peanuts” Practice Group of Qingdao Agricultural University Bathers College went to Junan: Playing the “life” sound of preaching and handing in the “youth answer sheet” of the revitalization of the peanut industry


The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee pointed out that it is necessary to improve the agricultural management system, promote the development of new agricultural management entities, rely on my country's super-large-scale market advantages, enhance openness in expanding international cooperation, and build a new open economic system with a higher level. On July 23, based on the previous research on the current status of the development of the peanut industry, the "Fragrant Overseas, Good Things' Peanuts'" practice group of the Bathers Future Agricultural Science and Technology College of Qingdao Agricultural University went to Junan. Under the leadership of Liu Lu, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College, Zhang Hongrui, lecturer of the School of Economics and Management (Cooperative College), and Li Shuai, counselor, they came to Jinsheng Grain and Oil Group Co., Ltd. and held three "New Farmer University" lectures for Jinsheng Group employees to explore new paths for industrial prosperity and enable the high-quality development of the peanut industry.

Zhang Hongrui, the instructor of the practice group, took the theme of "Analysis of the Development and Trade Status of my country's Peanut Industry" and gave a detailed explanation on the basic overview of the peanut industry, the status of peanut import and export trade, and the existing problems and countermeasures. He deeply analyzed the problems of peanut industry production, processing, sales, import and export, and provided new ideas for the high-quality development of the peanut industry. He pointed out that it is necessary to promote the improvement of peanut production quality and efficiency, accelerate the cluster development of the peanut industry, and deeply explore the added value of the peanut processing industry; diversify China's peanut import sources and export markets, build a risk assessment, early warning and emergency response system for peanut imports, expand the international influence of China's peanut brands, and use international brands to improve quality and efficiency, and turn "small peanuts" into a "big industry" that promotes agriculture.

Practice team member Guo Yi combined professional knowledge and practical results, took peanut yield potential as the starting point, and conducted training on green, high-quality and efficient cultivation and management techniques for peanuts for Jinsheng Group employees around the production links of peanut farming, planting, prevention and harvesting. To achieve increased production and income in the peanut industry, it is necessary to adopt standardized, intensive and mechanized farming methods, make full use of modern farming technologies such as water-fertilizer integration, fully automatic intelligent information drip irrigation, and drone flight prevention, improve the production efficiency of the peanut industry, and further increase farmers' income and the economic benefits of the peanut industry.

Practice team member Li Kecheng focused on the current situation of peanut exports in Junan, focusing on advantage analysis, problem analysis, and solutions, and demonstrated the research results of the practice team. After field visits and investigations, the practice group learned that the peanut industry in Junan County has advantages such as mature technology, complete industrial chain, and strict product quality control, but there are challenges such as low utilization rate of high value-added varieties, lack of young talents in the peanut industry, insufficient brand promotion, and weak international market advantages. Therefore, in order to improve the development quality of the peanut industry, the practice group proposed solutions: First, enterprises should cooperate with universities and research institutes to cultivate modern agricultural talents and provide talent support for the revitalization of the peanut industry; second, production, teaching and research should be deeply integrated to promote the optimization and upgrading of peanut production and processing technology and solve the problems that restrict peanut production and quality; third, the publicity of peanut by-products should be increased to enhance the public's recognition of high-value-added peanut products; fourth, the brand building of Junan peanuts should be enhanced, the regional characteristics and cultural heritage should be deeply explored, and the core competitiveness of regional brands should be enhanced.

High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Driving the high-quality development of the peanut industry with technology, talents, innovation, products, and education, strengthening the brand building of Junan peanuts, and shaping the international market competitiveness of Junan peanuts are the only way to achieve the revitalization of the Junan peanut industry. During this social practice, the members of the practice team went deep into the fields and approached farmers engaged in agricultural production to understand the current situation of the peanut industry and export. With their infinite passion for agriculture, rural areas and farmers and solid professional qualities, they put forward suggestions for the peanut industry to open up the international market and contribute their youthful strength to the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and the promotion of China's agriculture to "go global".