Our company successfully held the general party branch establishment and branch committee election meeting


    With the approval of the Development Zone Organ Working Committee, the Party Branch of Shandong Jinsheng Grain and Oil Group Co., Ltd. was upgraded to the general branch, with Jinsheng Group Party Branch, Jinsheng Grain and Oil Industry Party Branch, Jinsheng Catering Party Branch, and Retired Employees Party Branch , the total number of party members reached 63. After completing the procedures for submitting candidates for the General Branch Committee to the Organ Working Committee for approval, each party branch successively held branch founding meetings. On the morning of November 19, all party members and comrades held an election meeting for the general party branch of Shandong Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd. in the conference room on the fourth floor. Also invited to attend this meeting were Director Tang Hongling and Dai Xiuxia of the Development Zone Party Working Committee and other leaders .


  The meeting elected three members of the first general branch committee of the CPC Shandong Jinsheng Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd. through secret voting, and carried out the division of labor among the branch committees, pending approval by the Development Zone Organ Working Committee. Chairman Gao Guanyong presided over the meeting and made an important speech, putting forward four requirements for the newly formed general branch committee members and their next work: First, to establish a sense of responsibility and create an entrepreneurial atmosphere; second, to adhere to the correct orientation and actively play The role of the party organization as a fighting fortress; the third is to strengthen theoretical study and continuously improve the theoretical level and work ability; the fourth is to adhere to strict party governance and continuously consolidate the foundation of party building work.

Jinsheng Industrial Party Branch Founding Meeting:

  Jinsheng Group Party Branch Founding Meeting:

Jinsheng Catering Company Party Branch Founding Meeting: