Jinsheng Group held an internal 2016 annual work target responsibility letter signing ceremony


In order to clarify the key work tasks in 2016 and implement the work responsibility system at all levels, on the morning of January 17, 2016, the signing ceremony of the responsibility letters of the group's companies and departments, comprehensive safety management, use of certificates and official seals, etc. was held in the exhibition hall of the R&D Building. room held. Gao Guanyong, general manager of the group, signed various responsibility letters with the heads of the 12 subordinate companies and departments.

The signing of the target responsibility letter is a commitment and a responsibility. The heads of various companies and departments of the group said that in the new year, they will definitely promote and implement various tasks in accordance with the requirements of the group company, ensure the completion of various goals and tasks assigned by the group company, and make their respective companies do their best. Be bigger and stronger, strive for greater honors for the group company, and push all work to a new level in the new year.