Jinsheng Group won the title of“National Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise in Grain and Oil”


From October 15 to 17, 2018, the Eighth National Member Congress and the Ninth Academic Annual Meeting of the China Cereals and Oils Society were held in Beijing. The theme of the conference is "Science and Technology Lead the Economic Development of the Grain Industry". This conference invited more than 600 industry experts, scholars and industry representatives to share the latest research results and innovation trends. Zou Yefei, assistant general manager of Jinsheng Group and general manager of Jinsheng Food Marketing Company, and Chen Ning, director of the R&D center, attended the meeting on behalf of the group.

The Academic Annual Conference of the China Cereals and Oils Society has been successfully held for eight times, setting up a platform for exchanges and cooperation for experts, scholars and industry representatives in the cereals and oils industry, and is committed to leading the development of the industry. The conference had a rich form of exchanges. Experts from relevant departments and related fields were invited to give special reports on food science and technology innovation and industrial economic development. At the same time, the "2017 China Cereals and Oils Society Science and Technology Award" and "China Cereals and Oils Society Lifetime Achievement Award" were awarded. ", "China Cereals and Oils Society Youth Science and Technology Award", "The 4th National Cereals and Oils Outstanding Science and Technology Workers", "The 4th China Cereals and Oils Society Outstanding Unit Member", "The 3rd National Cereals and Oils Excellent Scientific and Technological Innovation Enterprises", "China Awards such as "Excellent Supporting Unit of Science and Technology Awards of the Cereals and Oils Society".

At the meeting, Jinsheng Group won the title of "The Third National Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Enterprise in Grain and Oils" and participated in a large-scale grain and oil new technology and new product exhibition held at the same time. Chen Ning, assistant general manager and director of the R&D center of Jinsheng Group, won the honorary title of "The Fourth National Outstanding Grain and Oil Science and Technology Worker".
