Jinsheng Group carries out training for all employees to build an excellent team


 "The shining gold is our heart, we are upright and honest, and our magnificent youth shines in our posts. We are diligent Jinsheng people!" At 9:00 a.m. on June 25, 2016, as all employees stood up, there was a sonorous and passionate response. The song of Jin Sheng was sung everywhere, and the one-day positive attitude training for all employees officially began. This training invited Mr. Wu Du from Jucheng Co., Ltd. as the keynote speaker. More than 240 employee representatives of the group participated in this training. 

The entire training process was positive and humorous. With his unique teaching mode, Mr. Wu Du gradually introduced the core content of the "Building an Autonomous and Self-Excellent Team" course to all employees, such as how to create greater value for the company and several major elements of corporate elites. , how to get a higher position, the core competitiveness of an excellent team, etc. During the training process, team games were also conducted through group competitions, which effectively promoted communication and trust among team members and made employees deeply feel the importance of teamwork.

Everyone gained a lot from this training. Only an excellent team can create a diligent, honest, united, efficient, and self-disciplined workforce, enabling an organization, an enterprise, and a team to continuously move toward higher and further goals. To become an excellent employee, you must fully understand your responsibilities, enhance your sense of responsibility and mission, be dedicated to your job, be loyal to your duties, and strive to create first-class performance in your position.

In Jinsheng Group, a platform with great development prospects, we believe that as long as all Jinsheng people work together as one and work hard, we will surely create a bright future for Jinsheng!